What would you add? Leave your terrible takeaways in the comments, please.
Kay suggests you dive deep into what defines you. Break that habit of seeking validation from your job, your stuff, your car. Focus on the real, and if that real is chickens, well, that’s cool, get chickens.
Johanna turns that WTF moment into asking for more.
Dominic says it’s (mostly) okay to tell your story so long as you tell the truth. And do not — I repeat, do not rush to sign those papers. Take your time.
Melissa isn’t fooled, she knows what that **** is about. Learn more about the Great Skate Tour on Melissa’s Instagram.
Sarah’s manager is right there, I mean, RIGHT there.
CeCe tries to save the day. Spoiler alert, the day was not saved.
Keith wakes up from his dream job.
Sari takes the fall. Find Sari’s work at Oldster, Memoir Land, and Adventures in “Journalism“.
Every episode of Canned has been a gift.